Every time some one walks up to an intersection with traffic lights they push the button to cross. I have made several observations about this process. First they push the button, but this is not a single action. they push it five to seven times. As if there's an electrical short in every single button and if you don't push it that many times the signal will not be received and they will not be able to cross the street. The next thing that typically happens is they face the direction they are wanting to walk, that in its self is not that significant, but is the fact that they walk to as close to the street as they possibly can without standing on the asphalt. This i am assuming speeds up the wait. They get so close to the on coming traffic its unsafe. And everyone does this, its people who in every other aspect of their lives are reasonably safe. But they insist on waiting with their toes hanging into the street. Well next time you see someone approach an intersection see if they follow this exact scenario.
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