Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
little bit of vital trivia.
What do you know about insider trading? Well let me share a few piece of info with you that i am guessing your not totally aware of. The following information is from wikipedia on insider trading. Whats exciting to me about insider trading is that members of congress are allowed to do insider trading. Pretty nice perk! Check out the video below. I rage moment takes place about 10:24 sec. Whats yours?
Insider trading is the trading of a corporation's stock or other securities (e.g. bonds or stock options) by individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company. In most countries, trading by corporate insiders such as officers, key employees, directors, and large shareholders may be legal, if this trading is done in a way that does not take advantage of non-public information. However, the term is frequently used to refer to a practice in which an insider or a related party trades based on material non-public information obtained during the performance of the insider's duties at the corporation, or otherwise in breach of a fiduciary or other relationship of trust and confidence or where the non-public information was misappropriated from the company.[1]
Insider trading is the trading of a corporation's stock or other securities (e.g. bonds or stock options) by individuals with potential access to non-public information about the company. In most countries, trading by corporate insiders such as officers, key employees, directors, and large shareholders may be legal, if this trading is done in a way that does not take advantage of non-public information. However, the term is frequently used to refer to a practice in which an insider or a related party trades based on material non-public information obtained during the performance of the insider's duties at the corporation, or otherwise in breach of a fiduciary or other relationship of trust and confidence or where the non-public information was misappropriated from the company.[1]
Insider trading by members of Congress
Members of Congress are exempted from insider trading laws and thus can act on information they are bound to gain in the course of their congressional activities, although house rules [22] may consider it unethical. A 2004 study found that stock sales and purchases by Senators outperformed the market by 12.3% per year.[citation needed] Peter Schweizer points out several examples of insider trading by members of Congress, including action taken by Spencer Bachus following a private, behind-the-doors meeting on the evening of September 18, 2008 when Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke informed members of Congress about the imminent financial crisis, Bachus then shorted stocks the next morning and cashed in his profits within a week.[23]
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Your science video for the day.
iIts called quantum leviation. Looks like magic to me. very interested stuff.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Well i wanted to let everyone know my business is underway and we are having a grand opening right now. We are selling our Professor tech shirt. It is a soft launch but i am excited about it. The company is called Anser they specialize in performance outdoor apparel and Aerogel insulated outdoor clothing and gear. use coupon code GrandOpening to receive 22% off right now. www.ansergear.com go here.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
This looks like a great show.
The Germans look so hard to beat! I hope they show this at Iggys so i can watch it.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Some people might say...
Some people might say i don't put enough of my own content on the internet. Well today this is for you. Her are a few photos from my summer. We spend some time gardening and we where pretty excited about our harvest this year. The bottom photo is of me and my nephew Gage on little blue four wheeler. That is the exact same four wheeler i would buzz around on as a kid. I can still remember being the age and getting around on that thing. Its surprising how fast you grow up. Good times glad we kept the four wheeler for all those years so Gage can enjoy it.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Well they really do exist
I have had this idea on the back of my mind for years! Glad to see people are using it. check it out
Dish draining closet
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The dish draining closet is a Finnish invention by Maiju Gebhard, intended to speed up the drying up of washed dishes, or even to make the entire drying phase unnecessary. It was developed in the Finnish Association for Work Efficiency from 1944 to 1945. The Finnish Invention Foundation has named it as one of the most important Finnish inventions of the millennium. Despite its advantages, the dish draining closet is not very popular outside Finland and has mostly remained a Finnish speciality. There are some dish draining closets in use in Sweden, Spain, Italy,[1] Poland, Russia, South Korea, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
The inspiration for the dish draining closet was a Swedish dish draining holder, which was kept on a table. Gebhard noticed that most families never used the holder, but instead dried the washed dishes by hand and moved them directly to the storage closet or cupboard. Gebhard's idea was to put the dish draining holder in the closet above the dish washing table (sideboard or counter top), so the dishes could drain dry in place. This way, an entire phase of normal household upkeep could be skipped. According to Gebhard's calculations, the average housewife spent almost 30 thousand hours of her life washing and drying dishes.[2]
Enso-Gutzeit started producing dish draining closets in 1948. Since 1954, dish draining closets were made of plastic-coated steel wire to help keep them clean. The measurements for the closets were standardised in 1982.

The cabinets have an open bottom that allows for the water to drain directly into the sink below.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Just a cool bit of technology news.
I just wanted to pass on this cool news article about wind design. consider this your popular science article.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hot pockets!
I have had several experiences in my life that have lead me to this next post. First i would like to discuss the microwave oven. In my opinion this device is the most underrated modern marvel we have. Sure we have telephones that surf the web and broadcast TV shows, But the microwave can cook popcorn in like 160 seconds! We often cook a frozen burrito or hot pocket in the oven which to me seems to defy the laws of thermal dynamics. It takes only 90 seconds to heat a hot pocket from a frozen mass to a molten pit of heat that blacksmiths could use to forge steel. And yet it takes forever to cool. But with this great ability comes great responsibility. And it is to this responsibility i would like to address. Perhaps it is the commonplace of the microwave or the fact that your parents let you use it when ever you liked at any age. But i warn you the power of this device is anything but common. It takes lots of practice and skill to microwave a meal and be able to eat it with out suffering burns. Just like one does not just simply walk into Mordor, so also one does not casually use a microwave. You see to properly wield this device you have to couple power with patience. Patience is the key, but surprisingly it is required of a device that cooks so quickly! I can vision my future self finally understanding the microwave oven and having the patience to not burn my mouth, but until then this has been my tragic experience. I have made the following graph to help illustrate the perils of using a microwave.
It is interesting to me that the most dangerous food to cook in the microwave (Hot Pockets) require the most patience are marketed to the people with the least amount of patience. Please share your experiences good or bad while using a microwave oven.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
How i feel about starting business
This is how i feel sometimes about trying to start a business sometimes. Today was a good day the first shipment is officially sailing the pacific ocean right now.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
you have seen me comment on him before still incredible
Danny Macaskill, Incredible bike riding, tightrope. enjoy
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Poor Ron Paul
The system is trying to shut this guy down! Its so nice to get a realistic view of what the news companies are doing right now. Thank you daily show. Ron Paul 2012!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Here is a great link to someone by the name of Dylan Ratigan who finally said it like it is. Check it out
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
How to build a proper aquarium, paludarium, vivarium.
So recently I got out my old fish tank from yesteryear and started looking for a great new way to set it up. Every sense a biology class in 8th grade i wanted to set up a cool fish tank.
This blog will document my progress and aid anyone else who wants to achieve greatness. When i started my tank i was interested in doing it a low cost, creative, and safe for what ever creatures might live in the tank. So if your looking for a guide on what is needed how to build this is the place.
Lets start with discussing the materials.
The above is exactly what i purchased to build my tank. I have a 30 gallon tank. I purchased:
1 clear acrylic sheet
2 12oz great stuff
2 9.8oz brown Silicone
Peat moss
The first thing you want to do is get out a piece of paper and scratch out a few ideas. The biggest thing to keep in mind is creating a hiding place for the pump and filter. I did not take any photos of just the acrylic sheets in place, but you can see where they are placed on the image below. After drawing the basic idea on paper. you need to be able to visualize the product from the ground up. this can be kinda tricky because we see fall from top to bottom and naturally we want to build from the top down creating the flow of water as it falls. but it is more realistic to build from the bottom up. A major element of my tank was having multiple pools and view able ponds. My design called fore three distinct pools. one small one in the top right a medium sized pool on the right. and the biggest body of water in the middle. Arcyllic gave me a thin waterproof membrane could be put in place and create a pool and still maintain visibility.
After you have the idea in place. I cut my arcyllic sheets with a jig saw. On my first build i used a hot glue gun and tacked the shelves in placed. The second time i used small pieces of clear tape to temporally hold it.

Once the shelves are in place you can open the great stuff. Great stuff is a great tool when building a organic looking surface. I start on the bottom lowest corner and work my way out and up. The trick when working with great stuff is applying it evenly and slowly. I try and keep it about 1/8 of an inch thick. When you get a little heavy with the stuff it has a tendency to shrink back down during the drying phase. on my tank i spend an hour or more putting great stuff in. don't rush it. On my first build i over did it in a few places where i thought it would need extra strength but it ended up shrinking away from the edges creating problems. I let mine cure overnight in the house and out of direct sunlight. sunlight i noticed has a tendency to yellow the foam. I also found a few interesting branches off a tree in the yard and added them to the foam to that they stay in place. the is the time to add bits of wood to the wall and get creative. I have also see people add cups and planting pots into the back ground to later hold plants. I did not feel like i had room in mine to do so. but i plan on putting plants on the big center shelf.
This is currently where i am at. Once i have more time i will add the silicone and peat moss/ sand combination. stay tuned for more updates.
This blog will document my progress and aid anyone else who wants to achieve greatness. When i started my tank i was interested in doing it a low cost, creative, and safe for what ever creatures might live in the tank. So if your looking for a guide on what is needed how to build this is the place.
Lets start with discussing the materials.
The above is exactly what i purchased to build my tank. I have a 30 gallon tank. I purchased:
1 clear acrylic sheet
2 12oz great stuff
2 9.8oz brown Silicone
Peat moss
The first thing you want to do is get out a piece of paper and scratch out a few ideas. The biggest thing to keep in mind is creating a hiding place for the pump and filter. I did not take any photos of just the acrylic sheets in place, but you can see where they are placed on the image below. After drawing the basic idea on paper. you need to be able to visualize the product from the ground up. this can be kinda tricky because we see fall from top to bottom and naturally we want to build from the top down creating the flow of water as it falls. but it is more realistic to build from the bottom up. A major element of my tank was having multiple pools and view able ponds. My design called fore three distinct pools. one small one in the top right a medium sized pool on the right. and the biggest body of water in the middle. Arcyllic gave me a thin waterproof membrane could be put in place and create a pool and still maintain visibility.
After you have the idea in place. I cut my arcyllic sheets with a jig saw. On my first build i used a hot glue gun and tacked the shelves in placed. The second time i used small pieces of clear tape to temporally hold it.

Once the shelves are in place you can open the great stuff. Great stuff is a great tool when building a organic looking surface. I start on the bottom lowest corner and work my way out and up. The trick when working with great stuff is applying it evenly and slowly. I try and keep it about 1/8 of an inch thick. When you get a little heavy with the stuff it has a tendency to shrink back down during the drying phase. on my tank i spend an hour or more putting great stuff in. don't rush it. On my first build i over did it in a few places where i thought it would need extra strength but it ended up shrinking away from the edges creating problems. I let mine cure overnight in the house and out of direct sunlight. sunlight i noticed has a tendency to yellow the foam. I also found a few interesting branches off a tree in the yard and added them to the foam to that they stay in place. the is the time to add bits of wood to the wall and get creative. I have also see people add cups and planting pots into the back ground to later hold plants. I did not feel like i had room in mine to do so. but i plan on putting plants on the big center shelf.
This is currently where i am at. Once i have more time i will add the silicone and peat moss/ sand combination. stay tuned for more updates.
world information
I am useing this company to ship my shirts from shanghai. On their home page is a great world clock with all sorts of cool info. take a min and check it out!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
my most important genealogy story
The following is a discussion that took place between me and Kerrie Brailsford from Australia. Its amazing how internet is making this type of communication possible. it really is scifi
Hi Greg, that would be great! I look forward to hearing about your family when you have time.
March 27, 2008Kerrie Brailsford
Hi Greg,
What other family do you have on Facebook? I noticed today I have a new friend Alena - is she your sister?
Can you please send me some info on your family so I can see if I can help your research? Feel free to use my email address which is kerriebr@internode.on.net
Kind regards,
March 30, 2008Greg Brailsford
sorry i have been busy i am just getting back from my spring break. but i did talk to my mother about some of our family, and she says she has a lot of names. i will find out what software the family names are on and let you know. i am located in utah and am related to the brailsfords here. alena and kristi are my immediate sisters.
March 30, 2008Kerrie Brailsford
thanks greg.
June 26Kerrie Brailsford
Hi Greg,
I would like to ensure that I have you linked in with the research I have on file. Would you mind telling me who are your parents, Brailsford grandparents, & any further back if you know? This would help a lot!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
June 26Greg Brailsford
here goes. i will mostly focus on the brailsford names
Greg Ronald Brailsford my wife is
Amelia Richards
Ronald Blaine Brailsford
Judith Ann Olsen
Blaine Brailsford
Mary Helen Rasmussen
George A Brailsford 1892 Pleasant Grove, Utah
Irma Jean Patten 1894 Provo, Utah
James Brailsford 1863 Chesterfield, Derby, England
Alice Rebecca Thorne 1868 Pleasant Grove, Utah
James Brailsford 1828 Old Brampton, Derbyshire, England.
Eliza Marsden 1825 Baslow Derby, England
John Brailsford 1805 Pilham, Lincoln, England
Martha Longden 1805 Brampton Derbyshire England.
James Brailsford 1775 Pilham lincoln england
Betty Rhodes 1779 Pilham, Lincoln, England
John Brailsford 1740 Pilham lincolnshire, England
Elisabeth Hodges 1744 Pilham lincolnshire, England
John is the oldest brailsford i know. I have quite a bit more records that was just the parents. let me know if any of these names stands out to you. I am not sure what format i can get them in but i would be happy to share any info with you.
I am excited to see if you recognize any names.
SaturdayKerrie Brailsford
Hi Greg,
I was pretty sure you were part of this group, so it is great to now have you exactly placed! This Brailsford family group is commonly referred to by researchers as FG7. Have you researched this family yourself, or is this family line from the research of another family member?
Unfortunately I cannot help you go back any further than your John & Elizabeth (Hodges) Brailsford of Lincolnshire, as this is also the earliest I have on this group. However, I will share whatever i can with you regarding their descendants. You will understand that I cannot give you details on living people, as this is an invasion of others' privacy. However, if you are a genuine researcher & interested in making contact with other researchers of this group I may be able to put you in touch with distant "cousins", and they may be happy to share further details with you.
I had down to your grandparents, so I hope you will be happy to try to help me collate detailed information on your relatives to fill in all of the other descendants for your part of this Brailsford group. I will send you a separate message giving you further details about the Brailsford Living Pedigrees project.
Kindest regards,
SaturdayKerrie Brailsford
Some background about Brailsford Living Pedigrees...
During my research of various medieval Brailsford families I came across ancient Pedigrees which were collated by a genealogist of that era. He had visited prestigious Brailsford families & with their assistance, pieced together many family relations. These pedigrees have proven invaluable centuries later, containing an insight to these families which would have been otherwise lost.
After the compulsory introduction of birth, marriage & death registration, one would think that family links are reliably traceable. However, even with the aid of these documents, sometimes details are lost forever. Some documents may not contain accurate details, or the index to the document may lead a researcher in the wrong direction. It is obvious that the most accurate, complete information, can be compiled by people who actually know the answers. It is this realization that inspired me to start the "Brailsford Living Pedigrees" project.
-Brailsford Living Pedigrees-
The "Brailsford Living Pedigrees" project is a collection of data relevant to all descendants of Brailsford & their spouses. The data includes full names, dates & places for birth, marriage, death & burial. The places are as precise as possible, including address, Hospital, Church & cemetery details wherever possible.
The data is written by those who know the answers... actual family members, and collated by me.
If this information can't be recorded while people are living, we can't expect others to find the answers in years to come. In other words, although it's not always easy to find out the answers, it's a lot easier now than later!!!
The data is not published in any way, including on the internet using genealogical sites.
Data remains confidential within my files, and is shared only with those related by a grandparent in order to cross-check the details and improve accuracy and completeness.
It is my intention that Brailsford Living Pedigrees data will be archived upon my decease & released 100 years later as a valuable set of pedigrees.
For this purpose, it is important to strive to make the reports as accurate & complete as possible.
SaturdayKerrie Brailsford
Greg, would you like me to send you a report of your family group? I can send a word document which includes details of FG7, excluding the generations which would include living members.
It would be my pleasure to include your part of this family group within the Brailsford Living Pedigrees project. I was hoping to work with your uncle Kevin on this family, but unfortunately he passed away. Is your dad still living? Has anyone collated this sort of information for your family already?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
Hi Greg, that would be great! I look forward to hearing about your family when you have time.
March 27, 2008Kerrie Brailsford
Hi Greg,
What other family do you have on Facebook? I noticed today I have a new friend Alena - is she your sister?
Can you please send me some info on your family so I can see if I can help your research? Feel free to use my email address which is kerriebr@internode.on.net
Kind regards,
March 30, 2008Greg Brailsford
sorry i have been busy i am just getting back from my spring break. but i did talk to my mother about some of our family, and she says she has a lot of names. i will find out what software the family names are on and let you know. i am located in utah and am related to the brailsfords here. alena and kristi are my immediate sisters.
March 30, 2008Kerrie Brailsford
thanks greg.
June 26Kerrie Brailsford
Hi Greg,
I would like to ensure that I have you linked in with the research I have on file. Would you mind telling me who are your parents, Brailsford grandparents, & any further back if you know? This would help a lot!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
June 26Greg Brailsford
here goes. i will mostly focus on the brailsford names
Greg Ronald Brailsford my wife is
Amelia Richards
Ronald Blaine Brailsford
Judith Ann Olsen
Blaine Brailsford
Mary Helen Rasmussen
George A Brailsford 1892 Pleasant Grove, Utah
Irma Jean Patten 1894 Provo, Utah
James Brailsford 1863 Chesterfield, Derby, England
Alice Rebecca Thorne 1868 Pleasant Grove, Utah
James Brailsford 1828 Old Brampton, Derbyshire, England.
Eliza Marsden 1825 Baslow Derby, England
John Brailsford 1805 Pilham, Lincoln, England
Martha Longden 1805 Brampton Derbyshire England.
James Brailsford 1775 Pilham lincoln england
Betty Rhodes 1779 Pilham, Lincoln, England
John Brailsford 1740 Pilham lincolnshire, England
Elisabeth Hodges 1744 Pilham lincolnshire, England
John is the oldest brailsford i know. I have quite a bit more records that was just the parents. let me know if any of these names stands out to you. I am not sure what format i can get them in but i would be happy to share any info with you.
I am excited to see if you recognize any names.
SaturdayKerrie Brailsford
Hi Greg,
I was pretty sure you were part of this group, so it is great to now have you exactly placed! This Brailsford family group is commonly referred to by researchers as FG7. Have you researched this family yourself, or is this family line from the research of another family member?
Unfortunately I cannot help you go back any further than your John & Elizabeth (Hodges) Brailsford of Lincolnshire, as this is also the earliest I have on this group. However, I will share whatever i can with you regarding their descendants. You will understand that I cannot give you details on living people, as this is an invasion of others' privacy. However, if you are a genuine researcher & interested in making contact with other researchers of this group I may be able to put you in touch with distant "cousins", and they may be happy to share further details with you.
I had down to your grandparents, so I hope you will be happy to try to help me collate detailed information on your relatives to fill in all of the other descendants for your part of this Brailsford group. I will send you a separate message giving you further details about the Brailsford Living Pedigrees project.
Kindest regards,
SaturdayKerrie Brailsford
Some background about Brailsford Living Pedigrees...
During my research of various medieval Brailsford families I came across ancient Pedigrees which were collated by a genealogist of that era. He had visited prestigious Brailsford families & with their assistance, pieced together many family relations. These pedigrees have proven invaluable centuries later, containing an insight to these families which would have been otherwise lost.
After the compulsory introduction of birth, marriage & death registration, one would think that family links are reliably traceable. However, even with the aid of these documents, sometimes details are lost forever. Some documents may not contain accurate details, or the index to the document may lead a researcher in the wrong direction. It is obvious that the most accurate, complete information, can be compiled by people who actually know the answers. It is this realization that inspired me to start the "Brailsford Living Pedigrees" project.
-Brailsford Living Pedigrees-
The "Brailsford Living Pedigrees" project is a collection of data relevant to all descendants of Brailsford & their spouses. The data includes full names, dates & places for birth, marriage, death & burial. The places are as precise as possible, including address, Hospital, Church & cemetery details wherever possible.
The data is written by those who know the answers... actual family members, and collated by me.
If this information can't be recorded while people are living, we can't expect others to find the answers in years to come. In other words, although it's not always easy to find out the answers, it's a lot easier now than later!!!
The data is not published in any way, including on the internet using genealogical sites.
Data remains confidential within my files, and is shared only with those related by a grandparent in order to cross-check the details and improve accuracy and completeness.
It is my intention that Brailsford Living Pedigrees data will be archived upon my decease & released 100 years later as a valuable set of pedigrees.
For this purpose, it is important to strive to make the reports as accurate & complete as possible.
SaturdayKerrie Brailsford
Greg, would you like me to send you a report of your family group? I can send a word document which includes details of FG7, excluding the generations which would include living members.
It would be my pleasure to include your part of this family group within the Brailsford Living Pedigrees project. I was hoping to work with your uncle Kevin on this family, but unfortunately he passed away. Is your dad still living? Has anyone collated this sort of information for your family already?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kindest regards,
Thursday, June 30, 2011
A great top ten
I have a rather extensive and outstanding youtube favorites video collection. I was reminded of this one the other day and wanted to share it with you. I was perticulary pleased when i got to jump #3. I had seen this previously and thought it was totally underrated. So enjoy.
Friday, June 24, 2011
to help keep things in perspective
Check this video out. Its a good reminder how great our lives are. I have been watching the military channel, World War 2 in colour. and it seems surreal to see cities bombed and normal flow of life disturbed. Its amazing I have not seen this in my direct life time. I can only wonder and hope i never do. But i think that is the norm not the exception, so i can't help but feel its only a matter of time.
In the meantime, i would add that youtube loads way to slow on my computer.
In the meantime, i would add that youtube loads way to slow on my computer.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Off to scout camp.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
US Debt.
Found this interesting article online not sure if its accurate but of INTEREST.
Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the Real US Debt is $61 Trillion
When the U.S. government reports its debt, it does not include payment that it is required to make to seniors, veterans and retired employee. If those were included, as they should be, the US debt would be an far greater number than the already outrageous number the government does publish.
Accountant Sheila Weinberg, founder of the Institute for Truth in Accounting, has donethe accounting correctly and has come up with these numbers: Total US debt $61 trillion, which comes out to $534,000 per household.
These numbers provide a picture of why the debt is really such a big problem. No way, no how can it be paid off, given the simple fact that most households don't have $534,000 to turn over to the government.
Default is really the only long-term option. It will be done either in straightforward fashion, where the government pays pennies on the dollar for what it owes. Or it will be done in stealth fashion by the Fed printing up dollars to pay for the government obligations, which will create huge price inflation that will screw the average worker and also those on fixed incomes such as retirees.
EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the R...
EconomicPolicyJournal.com: Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the R...: "When the U.S. government reports its debt, it does not include payment that it is required to make to seniors, veterans and retired employ..."
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
1000 shirts
Ever wonder what 1000 short sleeve shirts looks like prepared and packaged for international travel? Well i looked online and could not find a single image of how it would look. So i figured i would contribute to the internet. I don't usually include cats, but since i am on the internet figured it would be appropriate.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Things i have noticed
Thursday, June 2, 2011
My Sweet Wife
I got married in Dec 18, 2010 to my sweet hart Amelia. The photo above shows how lonely i was before i had her in my life. Below is an image of us together. I am glad she is in my life, and have her as my cohort. I can only imagine the adventures we are going to go on. Two weeks from today will be our 6 month anniversary! Love ya Ameila.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Best of Bear world
This is a pretty scary video of some bears stalking.
So what do you do when your in this situation? do as this man did
Hope you enjoy
So what do you do when your in this situation? do as this man did
Hope you enjoy
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
The secret Gillette does not want you to know
The problem with shaving is the cost of razors. A lot of people have different opinions on how to handle the situation. Some buy electric shavers and never replace the blades until it feels like a snarled tooth cat is clawing at your face. Others just buy in bulk the old style of razors thinking the new ones are barely different and not worth the increased price. And other look for killer coupons and then buy in bulk. Well I have the answer! its easy painless and costs nothing. You take any razor I suggest getting the newest Gillette with battery (best shave ever). Next you take a normal pair of levis jeans. You brush the jeans the opposite direction that you use the razor, make about 10 passes and your done! its so easy and you can keep using the same sharp razor each week. One small step for Greg one giant step for shaving!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Someone who understands democracy
This was an amazing speech givin at SUU graduation last week. I was really impressed.
The importance of the right question by clayton christens SUU commencment speech May 6 2011.
There are two ways to get peace and prosperity. The first is to follow Singapore.
The founder of that small nation, Lee Kuan Yew, pulled together a diverse set of
ethnic enemies, laid out a set of clear rules, and then ruled the nation with an
honest and very strong fist. He set a system in place that could identify people

memorable penalties. Singapore is a marvelous country – safe and prosperous.
The vast majority of people obey the laws because of the established system.
The other option is democracy. The problem of democracy is that the
government doesn’t look over your shoulder or into your homes to catch you
breaking the rules. And if you are suspected of breaking a rule, it takes a very long
time to determine whether you must be held accountable. There are juries and
appeals – there are no iron fists. So how can democracy work to bring peace and
prosperity to a nation?
I asked my friend, who is a Marxist economist from China who came to Boston
on a Fulbright Scholarship to study democracy, if he had learned anything about
democracy that was surprising or unexpected. His response was immediate and
profound: “I had no idea how critical religion is to the functioning of democracy.”
I had never made this association between religion and democracy, so I was
surprised but he continued to explain,
You don’t see it because you grew up in this society. But to me it is one
of the most unique things I have seen. Perhaps even more in your past
than in the present, most Americans attended a church every week. There
you were taught that you should voluntarily obey the law; that you should
respect other people’s property, and not steal. You were taught to be honest.
In America the vast proportion of people obey the laws because God will
hold you accountable. Democracy works because most people most of the
time voluntarily obey the laws – and it therefore doesn’t matter whether
the police and courts catch you, or how long it takes. Americans police
themselves, knowing that God is their final judge.
My friend then pointed at those countries where, in his words, “America had
naively snapped its fingers and demanded, ‘We want democracy here, and we
want it now!’” Unless there was already a strong religious foundation in those
countries, he asserted, democracy has failed miserably.
My Chinese friend noted that in Russia, for instance, there are religions – but
they are not democracy-enabling ones. Few people are influenced by them. As a
result many people avoid taxes, and the government cannot afford to collect them.
Murder, bribery and stealing are a part of everyday life. He noted that American
foreign policy has been naïve in Haiti and the nations of Africa that have been
torn by such brutal civil strife. “You just think that because democracy works for
you it will work everywhere. It only works where there is a strong foundation of
religion, which inspires people to freely obey the unenforceable.”
In societies between the extremes of Singapore and America, the poverty and
violence suffered is proportional to the number of people who have concluded
that the government will not hold them accountable for their crimes, and they
don’t believe that there is a God who will do this, either. Pakistan, Nigeria and
Argentina are in this morass. Mexico is slipping into it.
Those who seek to minimize the role that religions can play in the public
sphere are making two very serious mistakes. First, in trying to push religions
off the public stage, they are seeking to minimize the very institutions that have
given us our civil liberties in the first place.
And second, the debate that has crept into our judicial discourse about the
separation of church and state is a false dichotomy. Religions, as philosophical
traditions, can be broadly classified as theistic religions and atheistic religions.
Atheistic religions are defined by a set of beliefs, just as theistic religions are.
Atheistic religions are not just sweeping theistic religions off of the democratic
stage. They are knitting the doctrines of atheism into our legal and regulatory
fabric. They are giving us a wrong answer to a badly framed question.
My Chinese friend’s insight has helped me understand what the valuable
question really is: Instead of debating the question about what degree of
separation of church and state the Framers intended, we need instead to be
asking, “What institutions can we rely upon to inculcate the instinct amongst the
next generation of Americans to follow even unenforceable laws? And how can
we strengthen those institutions, so that they do this better?”
The adherents to the dogmas of atheistic religions need to employ their
intellect on this question: Do you want to strengthen our democracy? If so, then
what institutions do you propose to put on the stage to teach the next generation
of Americans – every one of them – to want freely to obey the law?
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