Thursday, June 30, 2011

A great top ten

I have a rather extensive and outstanding youtube favorites video collection. I was reminded of this one the other day and wanted to share it with you. I was perticulary pleased when i got to jump #3. I had seen this previously and thought it was totally underrated. So enjoy.

Friday, June 24, 2011

to help keep things in perspective

Check this video out. Its a good reminder how great our lives are. I have been watching the military channel, World War 2 in colour. and it seems surreal to see cities bombed and normal flow of life disturbed. Its amazing I have not seen this in my direct life time. I can only wonder and hope i never  do. But i think that is the norm not the exception, so i can't help but feel its only a matter of time.

In the meantime, i would add that youtube loads way to slow on my computer.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Off to scout camp.

I will be attending scout camp at Mapledell camp up Payson canyon for the next 5 days. I have not been on a scout camp in a long time. Me and 3 other adults are responsible for almost 20 12-14 year old scouts. I will be helping them get the horseback riding, environmental science, and basket weaving merit badges. I have not slept on the ground for 5 consecutive nights for a long time, looking forward to that. It should be a very enjoyable trip. unfortunately i will not be able to blog for the next week, so please be patience. I also want to remind you we are supposed to be having a lunar eclipse June 15 so get outside and see it!... Upon further review we wont be able to see it.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

US Debt.

Found this interesting article online not sure if its accurate but of INTEREST. 


Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the Real US Debt is $61 Trillion
When the U.S. government reports its debt, it does not include payment that it is required to make to   seniors, veterans and retired employee. If those were included, as they should be, the US debt would be an far greater number than the already outrageous number the government does publish.

 Accountant Sheila Weinberg, founder of the Institute for Truth in Accounting, has donethe accounting correctly and has come up with these numbers: Total US debt $61 trillion, which comes out to $534,000 per household.

These numbers provide a picture of why the debt is really such a big problem. No way, no how can it be paid off, given the simple fact that most households don't have $534,000 to turn over to the government.

Default is really the only long-term option. It will be done either in straightforward fashion, where the government pays pennies on the dollar for what it owes. Or it will be done in stealth fashion by the Fed printing up dollars to pay for the government obligations, which will create huge price inflation that will screw the average worker and also those on fixed incomes such as retirees. Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the R... Eliminate Bernie Madoff Style Accounting and the R...: "When the U.S. government reports its debt, it does not include payment that it is required to make to seniors, veterans and retired employ..."

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

1000 shirts

Ever wonder what 1000 short sleeve shirts looks like prepared and packaged for international travel? Well i looked online and could not find a single image of how it would look. So i figured i would contribute to the internet.  I don't usually include cats, but since i am on the internet figured it would be appropriate. 

Friday, June 3, 2011

Things i have noticed

Every time some one walks up to an intersection with traffic lights they push the button to cross. I have made several observations about this process. First they push the button, but this is not a single action. they push it five to seven times. As if there's an electrical short in every single button and if you don't push it that many times the signal will not be received and they will not be able to cross the street. The next thing that typically happens is they face the direction they are wanting to walk, that in its self is not that significant, but is the fact that they walk to as close to the street as they possibly can without standing on the asphalt. This i am assuming speeds up the wait. They get so close to the on coming traffic its unsafe. And everyone does this, its people who in every other aspect of their lives are reasonably safe. But they insist on waiting with their toes hanging into the street. Well next time you see someone approach an intersection see if they follow this exact scenario.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Sweet Wife

I got married in Dec 18, 2010 to my sweet hart Amelia. The photo above shows how lonely i was before i had her in my life. Below is an image of us together. I am glad she is in my life, and have her as my cohort. I can only imagine the adventures we are going to go on. Two weeks from today will be our 6 month anniversary! Love ya Ameila.

Evil honey bear.

I always thought the honey bear was plotting something, now i know for sure.